The Thing I’m Scared to Write About

The Thing I’m Scared to Write About

Will it happened again

To be judged then shunned

Lest I find out

I just carry on

Unworthy of love

Said my mother’s first look

Cast out of her heart

The child she forsook

A husband no different

Taking flight from my arms

Completely abandoned

For addiction’s sweet charms

In love, in lust

In all I’ve done

I just wasn’t good enough

I was never the one

I will do as I do

As this ends tell of hope

Because without its sweet blessing

I just couldn’t cope

Prompted by today’s prompt… that I could not find again after having written this so sorry about the lack of ping-back.

As always, I appreciate your feedback and welcome any comments you may have.

Bless you lots,

Easter Ellen

2 Comments on “The Thing I’m Scared to Write About

    • Thanks again. Yes, it was hard to write, but the best of anyone’s writing always come from that place of vulnerability. It is there where others can connect and perhaps gain something from reading it, I hope.


I love and appreciate feedback. Feel free to let me know what you think. Bless you lots, Easter Ellen

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